Due to prolonged interaction with the smells of food and the constant testing of cyproheptadine dishes, as well as due to overwork, fatigue, or burns of the oral cavity (hot food or drinks), a cook or confectioner may temporarily lose or distort the perception of taste.
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Functional bridity is not dangerous for life, but cyproheptadine best quality. Temporary bridity can appear repeatedly. To avoid it, you need to follow preventive measures and consult a doctor at the first symptoms. In order to prevent functional bredness and preserve taste perception, various measures are taken to cooks throughout the working day.

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Secondly, the cook is recommended to rinse his mouth from time to time with various refreshing compositions (fruit, vegetable) or spring water throughout the working day. Thirdly, there is a rule (it was invented several centuries ago) according to which a cook can eat only after not only breakfast, but also lunch is prepared - not earlier than 12 noon, immediately before lunch is served to the table. A reminder of this rule is still the opening time of periactin restaurants., dated for 12-13 hours, when the head chef ate.
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Such functional bredness should be distinguished from complete bredness, which is characterized by an innate inability to taste and serves as a sufficient basis for a person’s professional unsuitability in the field of cooking. The unspoken rule of cooks is that at the first symptoms of hazing, you should immediately leave work and consult a doctor for medical help, or simply arrange a long vacation for yourself, during which the ability to smell and taste food will be restored. In confectioners, by the way, the symptoms appear less clearly and disappear in a couple of hours.
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